Cognitive Systems (CS) are systems/machines, enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to execute autonomously complex task and to interact meaningfully with their environment

Artificial Intelligence is the behavior of machines and algorithms that is experienced by humans as intelligent.
Today, AI is most often based on machine learning methods, optimizing models by learning from example data.

CS and AI are becoming ubiquitous: In the private field people are expecting all applications and machines to become more intelligent: From their social media and media applications in the cloud to their cars and up to dishwashers and washing machines.

AI and CS are also crucial for the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). In the digital age all relevant business models will include the creation, transmission, storage and processing of huge amounts of data. The one who controls data and algorithms, will also control business and value creation chains.

There is a fierce international competition ongoing amongst the scientifically and economically leading nations, to win the AI race.


Prof. Dieter W. Fellner, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research


Ross King, Senior Scientist, Austrian Institute of Technology
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Rudy Lauwereins, Vice-President, imec
Click here to download the presentation

Hugo Ceulemans, Scientific Director Discovery Data Sciences, Janssen
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Dr. Leo Kärkkäinen, Co-lead of Chief AI Officer Function, Aalto University Professor on AI, and EU AI HLG member, Nokia

Christian Bauckhage, Lead Scientist for Machine Learning, Professor for Computer Science University of Bonn
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