De-Carbonization of Industry is one of the most important challenges of our century. Industry is responsible for more than a quarter of the total global greenhouse-gas emissions. EU leaders committed to reducing emissions by 80-95% by 2050 and to move industry towards a climate-friendly, low-carbon future. To achieve this goal, coordinated efforts amongst all stakeholders, substantial investments and technological innovation are needed.

Today, energy intensive industry sectors such as the chemical and steel industry, the maritime sector, cement industry and refineries are investigating their options to lower energy consumption and emissions of green-house gases. In the recent past, technological approaches such as “Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)”, “Carbon Capture and Usage (CCU)” and “Carbon Direct Avoidance (CDA)” have been explored.

The session will put these paths in a technological context and demonstrate two current examples of technology innovation in the steel industry – converting CO2 in fossil-free chemicals and products and a special production process to massively reduce CO2 emissions. The audience is invited to discuss the future of de-carbonization with experts from applied research and industry.


Dr. Mona J. Mølnvik is a Research Director Gas technology, SINTEF Energy Research



Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Jahn, Head of department chemical engineering, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS
Click here to download the presentation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Weidner, Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology
Click here to download the presentation

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer, Senior Project Manager, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
Click here to download the presentation

Dr. Tech. Juha Lehtonen, Research Professor, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Click here to download the presentation

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Redenius, Head of Division Efficiency of Resources and R&D Coordination, Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH
Click here to download the presentation

Dr Kristin Jordan, Senior Research Scientist and Research Manager, SINTEF Energy Research