Intending to both present success stories and highlights of currently running Horizon 2020 projects as well as looking at future developments within the next Horizon Europe program, this session will achieve threefold:

First, it will be kicked off by a keynote offering a broad and visionary overview on civil security research, covering key issues of technological and social innovation, major challenges and opportunities for RTO’s, industry and end-user communities.

Second, three distinct success stories will be presented, highlighting some innovative outcomes of EU-projects and projecting what further developments may lead to in the near future.

Lastly, an expert-panel will discuss future research foci, challenges and opportunities controversially and take into account the presented success stories and their prospective outlooks.



Daniel Hiller, Head of Strategic Management, Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institute EMI, Germany


Christian Frey, Siemens Building Technologies, Switzerland

Freek Bomhof MSc, Data Science, TNO


Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Leopold, PhD, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security, Austrian Institute of Technology

Paolo Venturoni, European Organization for Security, EOS, Brussels







Shaun Mallinson, European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services, ENLETS, Brussels

DR.-ING. ALEXANDER STOLZ, Fraunhofer Institute