Dr. Nils A. Røkke


Executive Vice President Sustainability 

Dr. Nils A. Røkke is Executive Vice President Sustainability at SINTEF, Scandinavia’s largest R&D Institute. He is member of SINTEF Management Board. Nils worked as Gas Turbine Design and Development Manager in Rolls Royce Marine before returning to SINTEF in 2002. He coordinates several large European CCS projects, is member of the European ZEP Advisory Council, co-chair of the Executive Committee of ZEP and member of the Divisional Board of the Norwegian Research Council (RCN). He is Board member of the CLIMIT CCS Programme (Gassnova/RCN) and of the Norwegian Climate Foundation. He headed the Nordic Centre of Excellence in CCS and is the chair of ECCSEL (European CCS Labs) being pursued through ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures).

He chairs many large project initiatives within climate change technologies and was Joint Programme Coordinator of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) CCS Joint Programme until March 2016 before becoming a member of the EERA Executive Committee. Since May 2017, he is Chair of EERA.

Nils holds a PhD in combustion from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).