Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out


Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out

Power system operation is of vital importance and must be developed far beyond today’s practice to meet future needs. Almost all European countries are facing an abrupt and very important increase of renewables with intrinsically varying yields which are difficult to predict. In addition, an increase of new types of electric loads and a reduction of traditional production from bulk generation can be observed as well. Hence, the level of complexity of system operation steadily increases. Because of these developments, the traditional power system is being transformed into a smart grid. Previous and ongoing research has tended to focus on how specific aspects of smart grids can be developed and validated, but until now there exists no integrated approach for analysing and evaluating complex smart grid configurations. The exhibit tackles this issue with and integrated development and validation approach for smart grids and smart energy systems and therefore, supports the technology development as well as the roll out of technologies and solutions.

The following activities/material are planned to be presented during the virtual event:

  • Video explaining the need of research infrastructures and laboratory validation in the domain of power and energy systems (via AIT SmartEST Video)
  • Benefits of an integrated, pan-European smart grid research infrastructure and demo of virtual services (30 min live presentation + demo using the AIT SmartEST Sim Lab and the ICCS-NTUA Virtual Lab)
  • ERIGrid 2.0 project overview (via Project Website, Project Poster, Project Rollup, and Project Flyer)
  • ERIGrid project achievements (via Final Public Report and ERIGrid Book)

Name of research group: Electric Energy Systems

Name of exhibit´s underlying (EU) project:  ERIGrid, ERIGrid 2.0 

Project partners ERIGrid: AIT, CEA, CRES, DERlab, DNVGL/KEMA, DTU, ENEL, Grenoble INP, NTUA, Fraunhofer IEE, Ormazabal, OFFIS, RSE, SINTEF, TECNALIA, TU Delft, University of Strathclyde, VTT, HEDNO

Project partners ERIGrid 2.0: AIT, CEA, CRES, DTU, TU Delft, KEMA, DERlab, Fraunhofer IEE, HEDNO, NTUA, JRC, OFFIS, Ormazabal, RSE, RWTH, SINTEF, TECNALIA, University of Cyprus, University of Strathclyde, VTT



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