Strengthening Industrial Heat Pump Innovation – Decarbonizing Industrial Heat
Industrial processes are currently responsible for 20 % of total greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. In order to stay within the 1.5°C scenario of the Paris Climate Agreement, measures to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions from industry are urgently needed. This paper highlights the role heat pump technologies can fulfil in realizing significant reductions in CO2 emissions arising from industrial process heating. Industrial heat pumps are a highly energy efficient, crosscutting technology to provide process heat. Driven by electric power, heat pumps are a key electrification technology which are able to replace a large share of fossil fueled industrial process heating. The research institutes involved in RD&D of heat pump solutions propose a European industrial heat pump program, designed to accelerate the implementation and further development of this low carbon technology. Unlocking the benefits of heat pump technology requires a set of coherent measures. This includes creating a regulatory framework that facilitates the acceptance of industrial heat pumps, setting up a European information and knowledge base on heat pump technologies and process integration as well as the establishment of an RD&D program that supports the strengthening and growth of industrial heat pump applications.
The white paper is a joint effort of eight European research institutes, including the RTOs TNO, DTI, SINTEF, AIT and RISE.