TECNALIA Additive Manufacturing


Low-pressure turbine case manufacturing process by hybrid additive and subtractive technology

TECNALIA in collaboration with GKN Aerospace (Norway) is developing a hybrid additive subtractive process to manufacture an outer case of a low-pressure turbine. That development consists on the design of a preform of the case containing the base, the rails and flanges of the case and the validation of the fabricability of the preform by LMD (Laser Metal Deposition) manufacturing a representative profile of the complete preform in Inconel 718 superalloy.

This development is being achieved on the Hybrid ADD+PROCESS machine-tool from the manufacturer Ibarmia, a machine that features LMD and Machining capabilities, resulted in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and TECNALIA.

LMD is an additive manufacturing technique, combining laser and powder processing, which improves material utilisation by enabling manufacture of near net shape components from powders.

This work was carried out within the H2020 project PARADDISE (www.paraddise.eu).

