Danish Technological Institute



Danish Technological Institute (DTI) is an independent and non-profit research and development institute. We work innovatively to improve the competitiveness of industry and commerce, social welfare and human lives. Technology is the means – progress the goal. We believe that technology can improve industry and commerce, society and human life. We build bridges between science and enterprises, between technology and people. Our specialists apply the latest knowledge, using world-class facilities. We create usable solutions for: Agro-industry, Building & Construction, Energy & Climate, Food, Life Science, Materials and Production & Innovation. We promote innovative competences in businesses, organisations and individuals. A strong DTI creates strong Danish businesses, and the means to do so are strong technological services that create innovation. That is the reason why DTI exists. The Institute creates results by conducting research and development, along with commercial activities. The interplay between the undertaking of these core activities is key to the Institute's business model, and therefore also to its strategic development. DTI is actively collaborating on R&D projects with European Research and Technology organisations (RTOs) and other organisations in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme. DTI is the 7th largest recipient of Horizon 2020 financing in Denmark and the largest within the Danish RTOs.

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