


TECNALIA is a leading Research and Technological Organisation in Europe whose mission is to transform technology into GDP, helping enterprises to become more competitive and generate wealth and employment. Its key challenges are: Digital Transformation, Advanced Manufacturing, Energy Transition, Sustainable Mobility, Urban Ecosystem and Health.

With a team of over 1,300 experts (43% women – 57% men) from 30 different nationalities, our activity consists of visualising, identifying and developing comprehensive technological solutions together with our clients. Our portfolio of R&I partners includes over 7,000 enterprises, 75% of which are SMEs. TECNALIA’s revenue in 2018 amounted to €110.3 million, 6% over the previous year, including 12% increase in revenue from work with enterprises.

In Europe, TECNALIA has consolidated its position as the second Spanish organisation in the participation and leadership of projects under the European Commission's HORIZON 2020 programme.

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