Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup
Meet Dr. Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup
Dr. Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup is the Director of the Center for Bioresources and Biorefining at the Danish Technological Institute for the Biomaterials Group focusing on the valorisation of biomass through biorefining (hydrolysation, fractionation and separation) followed by product development. She holds an MSc in microbiology on mycology and fungal degradation of woody biomass and a PhD from the University of Copenhagen in non-enzymatic and enzymatic fungal decay mechanisms and wood decomposition particularly characterization of cellulose and hemicellulose including composition analyses. She did a Post-Doc at the University of Aalborg, Denmark and Washington State in Section for Sustainable Biotechnology on lignin extraction and characterization and chemical and fungal modification of lignin. Dr. Hastrup moreover has experience in enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, utilization and incorporation of biobased components in Biomaterials.
At DTI she has gained extensive experience in biorefining biobased residual and sidestream for food and feed grade purposes, functional ingredients, biomaterials etc. As head of section, Dr. Hastrup has led the establishment of a food grade pilot plant at DTI for up upscaling of biorefining processes, business model calculation, development and incorporation of biobased components into new products. Dr. Hastrup is also the author on the patent on the Method of preparing a cellulose rich fibre fraction and valuable by-products (WO2018086672A1).