Iñaki San Sebastián
Meet Iñaki San Sebastián
Iñaki San Sebastián (1965, Spain) is CEO of TECNALIA Research & Innovation (ES)
He obtained his master degree in Industrial Engineer from the University of Navarra in 1989. In 2007 he received a Master Degree in Business Management (MBA‐Executive) at the University of Deusto and in 2015 a Master Senior Management Program (PADE) by IESE Business School.
After working for 16 years for Fatronik, in 2008 he was appointed Managing Director. Simultaneously, from 2008 to 2010, he holds the position of Technology and Market Manager of TECNALIA Corporation.
In 2011, he was appointed Deputy Managing Director of TECNALIA, result of the merging of 8 Technological Centers.‐In March 2016, he was appointed CEO of TECNALIA.
His professional career has always been linked to the field of the research and the business world. He has belonged to several relevant national and international committees related to the design and strategy of Science and Technology Systems, such as the High Level Strategy Group on Industrial Technologies. He is currently Vice Chairman of EARTO (European Association of Research and Technology Organisations).
He is member of the Board of Directors of several spin‐offs and participates in several clusters and business associations as member of the executive boards.