Matthias Pastl

Group Environment of voestalpine AG
Senior Vice President
Group Environment of voestalpine AG

Meet Matthias Pastl 

Matthias Pastl, born 1983 in Linz/Austria, is Senior Vice President Group Environment of voestalpine AG. In his capacity, Pastl oversees the voestalpine Group’s environmental affairs with a focus on climate, environmental and energy policy as well as environmental management including life cycle and carbon management. Pastl is a graduate of the University of Applied Sciences in Krems/Austria (Business Management) and the University of St. Gallen/Switzerland (Communication & Management). He joined voestalpine in 2008 as the Executive Assistant to the CEO of voestalpine Profilform Division. Subsequently, Pastl served as one of the founding members of voestalpine’s largest foreign investment project, the direct reduction plant in Corpus Christi/Texas, where Pastl was in charge of site selection, permitting and communication. Following his 4 year deployment to Texas, Pastl returned to Austria to lead the Corporate Communications department of voestalpine Steel Division before accepting his current appointment in 2020.