Olivier Peyret
Meet Olivier Peyret
Graduated from the ENSG National School of Geology in Nancy (France), Olivier Peyret joined Schlumberger in 1981 as a young engineer in the Clamart Technology Center. He spent a large part of his professional career abroad (Indonesia, Brunei, Australia, USA, United Kingdom, Germany, United Arab Emirates) where he held senior corporate positions in operations, marketing and R&D. In 2017 he became President of Schlumberger France.
Since January 2020, he has also been responsible for the European partnerships within the Schlumberger New Energy entity. Olivier Peyret is currently Chairman of the Board of the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris and member of the Board of the British Geological Survey (BGS). In 2018, he became President of Universcience Partenaires, an association aiming at developing interaction between public research institutions, the private sector and science museums to improve the promotion of science and technologies to all audiences.
In November 2015, Olivier was made Knight in the Order of the French Academic Palms.