Sabine Herlitschka

Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Chair of ECSEL Board & CEO & CTO

Meet Dr. Sabine Herlitschka

Sabine Herlitschka is the Chair of the ECSEL Board and the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer of Infineon Technologies Austria AG.

Her professional career includes industrial biotechnology research, international cooperation and financing in research technology and innovation, Internships at leading organizations in the USA, Fulbright Scholar at George Washington University and Johns Hopkins University/School of Advanced International Studies, as well as founding Vice-Rector for Research Management and International Cooperation at the Medical University of Graz/Austria.

Before joining Infineon Technologies Austria, Herlitschka was Director of the Division European and International Programmes in the Austrian Research Promotion Agency.

For almost 20 years she has been frequently involved in European Research as advisor, project coordinator & proposal evaluator, as well as participant and Chairperson in various European & international expert groups. In Febr. 2018 she has been elected Chair of the Governing Board of the 5 bn Euro European Public Private Partnership ECSEL-Electronic Components and Systems for Electronic Leadership.

Herlitschka holds a Ph.D. in Food- and Biotechnology with Postdoc specialization in molecular biology and genetic engineering and an Master of Business Administration. Amongst others, she is member of the Austrian Council for Research & Technology Cooperation, member of the Senate of the German Fraunhofer Society